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Biotech & Life Sciences Companies in Vancouver

life sciences biotech vancouver

Top Life Sciences & Biotech Companies in Vancouver

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Coastal Genomics [Acquired]

A biotech company responsible for Ranger Technology, a hardware / software platform than enables the automation of gel based size selection of biomolecules.



Biotech manufacturer and seller of industrial and academic scientific products. Employs 1,000 people globally.


Aspect Biosystems

Combines microfluidics and 3D bioprinting to create living, human tissues.


Biopharmaceutical company focused on discovery, development, and commercialization of cancer treatment. Publicly listed on the NYSE.



Biopharmaceutical company focused on RNA-based therapeutics, working to discover and develop products to diversify therapeutics across leading RNA modalities.

Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals

Utilizes patient-centric approach to prevent and relieve pain while providing better treatment alternatives, including sustained release non-opioid pain relief.


Dr. Ma’s Laboratories Inc.

Over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry applying traditional medicinal theories combined with the use of modern technologies. Providing natural health products including vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts.


Delta-Fly Pharma Inc

Japanese biopharmaceutical company striving to make cancer drug development faster, cheaper, and more efficient.


Cuprous Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical company employing a metaplex platform to create new nanomedicines focusing on cancer and infectious diseases.

Chinook Therapeutics

Biotechnology company combatting the lack of effective treatment and high health care costs of kidney diseases by developing new precision medicines for both kidney diseases and kidney disorders.


Bold Therapeutics

Founded in 2018 Bold Therapeutics works to end cancer drug resistance.


Augerex empowers patients to be active participants in their own care. They focus on how to prevent diseases, predict the most effective treatments, and personalize management of long term conditions.


adMare BioInnovations

Focused on building a national life sciences industry by sourcing research from academic and biotech partners to create new companies of scale.


ESSA Pharma

Vancouver-based pharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of prostate cancer.


About Life Sciences & Biotech in BC

Pharmaceutical and health technology organizations make up much of the life sciences business community in Vancouver. According to LifeSciences BC in 2015, the life sciences sector contributed 180,000 jobs and $14.4 billion to British Columbia’s GDP.

To find more of the top people and organizations in BC’s life sciences community, check out the LifeSciences BC annual awards.