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Dispensaries in Vancouver

buy weed vancouver

There are currently 23 legal dispensaries in Vancouver, with many pending applications of future locations. For more, visit the City of Vancouver website on dispensary permits.

Top 3 Cannabis Dispensaries in Vancouver:

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Choom (Yaletown)

Cannabis retail location at the end of Richards Street close to the Seawall.


Hobo (Robson)

The Hobo Cannabis dispensary on Robson Street near Robson and Bute.


Dispensary in Olympic Village.


Canapa Sky

Legal dispensary near Main Street and 16th ave.


Atheneum Cannabis

Legal cannabis dispensary in Kerrisdale on 41st street and Balsam street.



Dispensary on Commercial Drive and 1st Ave.



Open 9am - 10pm 7 days per week, located on Renfrew Street near 1st ave.


A legal cannabis dispensary on West Broadway.


The Dispensaries in Vancouver

When legalization hit Canada in October 17th, 2018, many grey market dispensaries were still open. Many of them have since disappeared, but you’ll still see one here or there around town. The dispensaries on the page are the ones that the City of Vancouver has issued retail business licenses.

Going to a Dispensary

Some of them are the astonishingly modern and Apple Store feel. City Cannabis Co. on Cambie Street has a pneumatic tube in which they transport products around the store. If you’re new to visiting, the experience is more friendly and similar to that of an electronics store than you’d expect.