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Vancouver Health & Wellness Companies

health wellness vancouver

Popular health + wellness categories include cannabis, chiropractors, medical businesses, physiotherapists and many more.

Top 3 Health + Wellness companies in Vancouver:

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Project Skin

Medi spa that offers CoolSculpting fat removal and skin care treatments from their South Granville location.

Ovo Medi Spa

Medi Spa in Point Grey that specializes in skincare and injections.

Avery Therapy Centre

Vancouver-based therapist's office that offers individual and couples counselling.

Choom (Yaletown)

Cannabis retail location at the end of Richards Street close to the Seawall.


Physio, massage therapy and acupuncture clinic on Main Street near Olympic Village.

Hobo (Robson)

The Hobo Cannabis dispensary on Robson Street near Robson and Bute.


Dispensary in Olympic Village.


Canapa Sky

Legal dispensary near Main Street and 16th ave.


Atheneum Cannabis

Legal cannabis dispensary in Kerrisdale on 41st street and Balsam street.


Dr. Robyn Prescott

Naturopathic doctor in North Vancouver specializing in pain management and women's health.

Local Health Integrative Clinic

Naturopathic clinic on Commercial Drive across from the Skytrain station. Specializes in naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy.

Dr. Alexina Mehta

Naturopathic doctor in Kitsilano specializing in biotherapeutic drainage, exercise therapy and herbal medicine.

Electra Health

Clinic at Burrard and Nelson Street downtown that offers chiro, physiotherapy, naturopathic services and more.

Active Therapy

Osteopathy and naturopathic clinic in North Vancouver.

Nurse Next Door

Private home care for seniors with over 130 locations across Canada and the U.S..


Blue Mesa Health

Vancouver-based company that produces a disease prevention platform.

Burnaby Wellness Centre

Chiropractor, massage, and acupuncture near East Hastings street and Boundary Road in Burnaby.


Dispensary on Commercial Drive and 1st Ave.


Fraser Health

Publicly funded healthcare region in BC with a $3.7 billion budget.

QHR Technologies

Healthcare software company that represents close to 20% of Canada's electronic medical records with approx. 360 employees.



Open 9am - 10pm 7 days per week, located on Renfrew Street near 1st ave.

Saje Natural Wellness

Essential oils and skincare products with 80+ stores and a successful ecommerce channel.


A legal cannabis dispensary on West Broadway.


Precision OS

Makes a virtual reality system for orthopaedic surgeons.

Dr. Tasnim Adatya

American trained, licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Vancouver focusing on menopause and women’s hormonal issues.